While practicing social distancing, it can be hard to find a new normal. 


As college students, we’re used to sitting in classrooms, navigating our way through crowds, and generally being social. Zoom meetings and phone calls to loved ones just don’t feel the same as meeting in person. 


However, there are still ways to make your academic life at Winona State University successful, even during a pandemic.



The 411 on Remote Learning


Professors and students alike are getting used to Zoom lectures and increased D2L activity. For many of us, it’s trial by error—and that’s okay! 


WSU has many tips for ensuring a smooth transition to remote learning, including:

  • Know Yourself. Prioritize your physical health and emotional well-being.
  • Know Your Classes. Organize and maintain a schedule with study breaks.
  • Know Your Tools. Become familiar with the technology your professors will be using.


For students who do not have broadband access at home, WSU has information about free internet and installation services.


Unlike conventional courses, technology is required for online classes. Be proactive to avoid issues, but make sure to pat yourself on the back. You’ve made it this far!



Status of Campus Resources


What’s even open? What resources are still available? WSU has answered these questions and posted other COVID-19-related information on the main website. 


Although public access is suspended for the rest of the semester, there are countless campus resources that are still offered remotely: 

  • Tutoring. Book an online appointment just 15 minutes in advance. 
  • Library Assistance. Use Ask a Librarian to narrow a research topic or find the best academic sources for an upcoming project.
  • Career Services. Get your resume and cover letter ready for the future job market.


Many departments, from Admissions to Health Services (507.457.5160) and Counseling Services (507.457.5330), offer tele-meetings via Zoom and respond to email and phone calls.



Emotional Wellness


WSU recognizes that being successful isn’t measured only in GPA. 


To combat the ill effects of the transition to remote learning, WSU encourages students, faculty and staff to be resilient. Doing so will help us stay strong during these difficult times. We are all Warriors at heart.


Whether you’re two blocks from campus or two states away, WSU has an abundance of ever-evolving resources to keep students’ emotional well-being at the forefront. 



In the end, WSU makes sure that you get the facts straight. Focus on what has actually been reported on COVID-19 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Minnesota Department of Health, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)


As tempting as it may be, don’t get bogged down with social media worries. 


You are not alone—we will get through this together!


– Everett Tifft-Hall