There’s no easy way to put this. Breaks can kind of suck if you’re spending them here in Winona while your friends are all off having adventures. If are stuck in your dorm this Spring Break like I am, you might be afraid that you’ll be bored most of the time. So how do you break the boredom? It’s actually not that difficult, and here are 7 ways you can have fun over breaks in your dorm.

1. Start a Project

I am one of those kinds of people that love to work on crafts and recently I started a rag rug. For me, it was a little pricy getting all the supplies but it’s been a good way to keep busy and be creative too.

The beginnings of my rag rug

The beginnings of my rag rug


2. Get Nostalgic

Re-live the 90s this week and watch all those old movies from when you were little. Personally I’ve been on a Hayao Miyazaki kick and enjoying the memories of the first time I met Totoro, Kiki and Chihiro. Check out this ultimate 90s movies list and find the Disney movies and more that you loved as a kid.

a photo with the phrase "You are never too old for a disney movie"

It’s true!


3. Experiment with Cooking

The cafeteria is closed over break so that means you’re on your own food-wise. I generally go with pasta-based meals that I can make lots of leftovers to eat later. But there are a lot of other stuff you can cook as well and you have the lounge kitchen basically to yourself, so why not use it! Take a chance and cook something obscure, because there’s no one around to make fun of you or smell it if it gets burnt.

person making stir fry


4. Get Out and Exercise

The fitness center on Main campus is still open, but the lakes only about 4 blocks from both campuses so ride your bike or take a walk. The weather is going to be beautiful this spring break so take advantage of it while it lasts.

two women jog around lake


5. Clean Your Room 

As soon as my roommate left I ended up not caring how messy my room get which made getting out of my bed extremely difficult. I end up having to clean my room every night before I finally go to sleep. I can definitely say that my sleep schedule if all sorts of wrong. Although the cleaning is a hassle, it keeps my hands and body busy so I don’t eat out of boredom.

girl chased by dirty clothes wave


6. Read a Novel

You know that book you’ve been meaning to start? Yeah, read it! I’ve had Bram Stoker’s Dracula on my nightstand since fall semester and I’m only on page 23. It not because it’s boring– it’s actually really good–but I just didn’t have time during the semester. Well, now that is Spring Break I do have time and I plan to make quite a dent on the 391 pages I have left. So, pick up that book sitting on your shelf and get to reading it!

teen reading a book


7. Complete Your “To Do Tomorrow” List

We all have those tasks that we keep putting off but Spring Break can be the perfect time to take care of them.  I’ve been putting off calling my phone provider to cancel my phone insurance because I just hate being put on hold! And there are other things as well like applying for scholarships, getting a list together of stuff I need to get from home for the summer, putting together material to get into the graphic design program–all of which are very important but I just need to take the time to do it. Spring Break gives me the time I need.

"later" crossed out and "Now" circled


There are many other activities you can do in and around your dorm during break– you just have to find something want to do and do it! It’s not hard to have fun even if you aren’t traveling to some exotic location. So enjoy the quiet, alone time while it lasts, and when everyone gets back you might just realize how good you had it!