College is about learning, growth and change. No one is the same person when they walk off campus for the last time, as they were when they first stepped onto it.

We want to see how all of you seniors have transformed from a wide-eyed freshman to a savvy senior. Send in your side-by-side comparisons to we*****@wi****.edu or send a message on our Facebook page.

Here are just two stories from seniors graduating this May.

Liz and her freshman roommate; Liz and her senior year roommates

Take a look at my transformation from a freshman to a senior!

On the left is a photo of my first roommate and me as freshman on the day we first moved into our res hall. I was nervous and excited to begin this new journey and to be on my own for the first time.

On the right are my senior roommates and I slightly losing our minds at the start of our last year at Winona State. I’m once again nervous and excited to be starting a new chapter in my life (but admittedly less excited to be moving back in with my parents next month).

Although I’m more than ready to be done with homework and exams, I’m already missing Nona and the friends I’ve met here more than I ever thought I would.

– Liz Ortiz

Kaltyn and her freshman year friends; Katlyn and her senior year friends

My freshman friends, my senior sisters-at -heart.

If there is one thing I could thank Winona State for it is introducing me to my best friends.

The photo on the left is us during the spring of my freshman year and the photo on the right is us this past summer at a Beyonce concert. I have been lucky enough to have had them by my side these past four years. We’ve laughed, cried, yelled, and lived together; it’s going to be weird come the end of the semester when we each go our separate ways.

However, I’m not too worried because I know our daily rants and constant snapchatting will not end. I am so proud to call them my best friends and cannot wait to be right there for next chapter of their lives