If you’re in need of a professional headshot, you’re in luck because the Warrior Success Center is hosting Photo Fridays!
The WSC has your back—and so do I because I’m one of the staff photographers. The best part of this service: you can get your picture taken for free and as many times as you want!
The success center is your hub for a variety of free and helpful support services, from Advising to Tutoring to Access and Testing.
The WSC also offers Career Services, which helps Warriors feel more confident with their intended career path. Career Services not only hosts yearly career and job fairs, but also assists students with writing resumes and cover letters. These tools work together toward a well-rounded career development.
Due to the pandemic, the WSC will be hosting a virtual recruiting experience this semester to provide you access to employment opportunities while ensuring your safety. In order to participate in Photo Fridays, though, you’ll need to be on campus.

Having a professional headshot is crucial for making a positive impression on future employers.
Include your photo on your resume or your LinkedIn or Handshake accounts—the latter is WSU’s own job and internship portal for students and recent graduates—for personalization.
Insider Tip: Curb Your Nerves & Take a Breather
It’s totally normal to have some nerves when getting your picture taken, especially if you haven’t met the photographer before. However, one thing I’ve learned from my personal photography business on the side is that relaxation can make or break an image.
The saying “The eyes are the window of the soul” truly attests to this, too—if you’re uncomfortable and rigid, it will definitely show. We don’t want that.
Before coming to get your picture taken, I recommend you make funny faces in the mirror to warm yourself up because there isn’t anything to be nervous about. Doing so will help you relax and let your personality shine through when you’re in front of the camera.
Because the studio backdrop is grey with a purple tint, you can wear pretty much any color and your headshot will pop. Make sure your outfit is not only comfortable, but also true to your personality—this helps kick your picture-nerves to the curb even quicker.
Overall, I love meeting new students and taking photos they are happy with, so if you’d like more, just speak up and strike a pose!
You can get your headshot taken this semester on Sept, 18, Oct. 16, and Nov. 20—this isn’t something you want to miss.
Curious what else is on the docket for Fall’s virtual career events? Look no further:

– Natalie Tyler ’21