The Humane Thing To Do

woman and a dog

We’ve all seen the Sarah McLachlan commercials on TV about hurt and abandoned animals. We all want to help, but don’t know how. Well, my Speech class had to figure that out on our own.

At the beginning of the semester, our professor, Dr. Susan Hatfield, gave us a challenge: double the money I give you. She gave the 6 groups each $20 to raise money for the Humane Society here in Winona. She did this with the other two public speaking classes the same challenge and actually does this project every year, just with different causes.

With the $20, we could do anything! Well, nothing illegal, of course, so people sold puppy chow, went door-to-door asking for change, did trash for cash, sold cupcakes and even snow cones. My group put on a movie night for friends. We sat around, ate puppy chow, drank soda and watched movies about animals.

My friends at movie night

We didn’t have a huge turn out but we had fun anyway!

It was a great time, and my group doubled our money and then some! We plan on buying some toys with the extra money and bring them to the Humane Society on Friday.

But stuff like this shouldn’t just be done for a letter grade. The Humane Society is always looking for volunteers, always looking for donations and always looking for help.

I have always wanted to help out at a shelter, and because of this project I am finally going to go through with that plan. I suggest the rest of you don’t wait.

–Rachel Adam


Posted on

June 9, 2015