For my Spanish class I had to write a book for little kids who speak Spanish. I wrote mine about a high school math teacher who didn’t like math grown up. Not only did she not like it, so wasn’t very good at it. But she was determined to master it because deep down she liked the material. She worked hard on it every day to become better at it. This book will show the children about why working, hard for something you really want, is a good thing. The process of this book was a little frustrating because we had to make two copies of the book and we made three revised copies. It just took out a lot of time from my other class I was trying to work on. I drew stick figure people because I can’t draw anything else and also because I didn’t want to print things out. The first draft of the book was not the best but the second one I did was much better. It was better because of the things I added and because I cleaned it up a little bit. All in all, I think the final produced is great because of the time put into it!