Choose WSU Admitted Students Days are an opportunity for admitted students come to campus and experience what WSU has to offer. These day-long events give you a chance to better understand the atmosphere of WSU, explore your college of interest, learn about the different campus housing options, and connect with other admitted students.

Photo by Amy Nelson ’20
It wasn’t that long ago that I attended a Choose WSU Day as a senior in high school. Here’s a quick look at three things my Choose WSU Day experience provided that helped me fall in love with WSU.
1. The Community
From the second I stepped foot on campus, everyone I came in contact with was welcoming and willing to answer my questions. Current students were even walking around campus with smiles on their faces and made me feel like I wasn’t out of place.
As the day went on, I was able to hear from current WSU students about their college experience. We got to ask them questions like, “How is the food in the cafeteria?” or “How did you know your major was right for you?” Not one of them had a negative thing to say about their experience at WSU.
As I walked around campus, I felt like I belonged. I never felt excluded. I noticed that this campus is small enough that everyone pretty much knows each other, not just by name, but they had relationships. I knew almost right away that I wanted to be a part of the community here at WSU.
2. The Environment
It’s no secret that Winona’s bluffs are absolutely jaw-dropping, but so is the WSU campus. When I walked onto campus for my Choose WSU Day in the middle of February, I could still see the beauty of our campus.
Personally, my favorite view is walking from the Science Laboratory Center towards Minné Hall and seeing the bluffs in the background. Even though I was going to be going to school, I didn’t dread the idea of walking to class with a view like that.
I also really loved the different vibes you get from the academic buildings on campus. No two buildings are alike and that creates a change of scenery for studying or even when walking from class to class.
Another environmental factor was the residence halls. I wasn’t sure how I was going to choose which one to live in so I was really hoping one would stand out to me more than the others. However, when I went on my housing tour during my Choose WSU Day, I realized that each hall has something unique to offer. No matter what hall I ended up in, I could not wait to be a part of the on-campus housing community.
3. The Campus Life
A repeating phrase I heard throughout the day was “get involved.” I was able to talk with many different clubs about the things I’m passionate about such as my major, hobbies, ministry involvement, and Greek life. I found out that I could join clubs about mental health, dancing, learning different languages, and even astronomy.
Talking to these club representatives during my Choose WSU Day helped me make connections with current students. Although I was still a prospective student, making these connections early on made me a little less anxious about coming to WSU in the fall.
Through all of this, I learned about hundreds of ways to get involved on campus. Coming to WSU with this in mind, I was able to meet people with similar interests and even make connections with students a bit older than me, all within my first few weeks on campus.
My Home Away from Home
Not only did I love the community, environment, and campus life of WSU, but I also realized that even though I was going to be far away from home I was going to still feel at home. Talking to the welcoming faces, taking in the views, and getting involved on campus has shown me that WSU is truly my home away from home.
– Victoria Alatorre ’22