Is college going to be fun? Absolutely. Is it also going to be challenging at times? As we say here in Minnesota, “you betcha.”
It’s important to start off your college journey on the right foot. And to help you do that, we talked with Ron Strege, the Director of the Warrior Success Center, who helps students overcome all sorts of challenges that come with being in college.
They may seem simple at first glance, but forgetting to focus on one or another is pretty common. Do these five tips and you’ll for sure be off to a good start.
1. Be Willing to Ask for Help
Everyone needs help to succeed. And that’s ok! You have a strong community support system at WSU.
Two resources that are extremely helpful are the Writing Center and Tutoring Services.
The Writing Center staff offer free, individualized instruction on reading, writing, and research, while the Tutoring Services staff help you meet your academic goals.
It doesn’t stop there. The Warrior Success Center offers individual advising for those unsure what path they want to take for their major and career. In addition, Access Services, offers students with diagnosed physical and mental disabilities accommodations to succeed. And Counseling Services helps students deal with the toughest challenges college may bring them.
Ultimately, WSU has tons of resources available to you. Don’t wait until it’s too late! Be your best advocate by reaching out when you need help.
2. Attend Class
Ron says that he works with people all the time who are rocking a 0.1 GPA and the thing they have in common is they’ve stopped going to class.
Classes are going to provide you with an interactive educational experience, help to ensure you are keeping up-to-date with assignments, and allow you to form connections with your peers and professors.
Unlike high school, you won’t get into trouble for not attending class, but the consequences of missing out may hinder you even worse.
3. Check Your Email
Many professors reach out to their students via email regarding different assignments and class updates. In addition, various staff members send emails about campus updates and fun events going on around Winona.
If you’re not checking your campus email, you’re going to miss out on tons of important information ranging from coursework, updates, and exciting activities.
The best way to keep on top of it is to find a routine time to check it. Maybe it’s bright and early in the morning, maybe it’s at the end of the day, or maybe you turn notifications on and check emails as they come in. Find a way that works for you and you’ll feel a lot more on top of your college career.
4. Get Involved
It’s important to your college experience to make this place feel like home, and getting involved is the best way to do that.
WSU has a lot to offer as far as clubs and organizations, events, activities and community involvement to get you connected with others and having fun. Many clubs and organizations can provide experience in fields you’re passionate about, in addition to a group of peers on campus. Many events and activities allow you to unwind while enjoying time with your campus community.
Just don’t get over involved– putting too much on your plate might cause your academics to suffer. Find a balance that’s right for you!
5. Make Connections
While there are many people on WSU’s campus that are here to support you, it’s a good idea to reach out and create a close support-group of your own.
Starting a conversation with the classmate you sit next to, saying “Hi” to your professor when you see them in the hallway, and putting yourself out there by interacting with others can make a huge difference. That classmate may become one of your best friends, and your bond with a professor can prove to be a good connection in the future.
Making connections and building a network, whether that be made of peers and alumni or faculty and staff, can be one of the most rewarding parts of your time at WSU. Take advantage of this time to meet new people.
See, we told you these steps were simple! If you follow Ron’s advice, you’re sure to manage most of the challenges that come up and have your best foot forward in your college career.
And for those things you’re still not sure about, Ron and his team at the Warrior Success Center are there to help.
Contact the Warrior Success Center
Call us at: 507.457.5878
Email us at: wa********************@wi****.edu
Or stop in and see us on the Winona campus in Maxwell 314.