Residence hall move-in days are quickly approaching! Moving into your dorm room can be an overwhelming task. We want to make sure your move-in experience goes as smoothly as possible.
Here are five things you should do to get yourself ready for your Move-In Day:
1. Schedule your move-in appointment
Move-in appointments can be scheduled through your Housing Portal by going into Student eServices under the Schedule an Appointment tab.
Your move-in appointment is scheduled for 15 minutes. This is when you’ll receive your room key and get fully checked in with staff.
After you get your key, you can take all the time you need to move, organize, and get settled into your new space.
2. Get Connected
Now’s the perfect time get connected with your residence hall Facebook group. It’s a highly active space where students are meeting each other, sharing decorating tips, what to bring and not to bring, and hearing about policy highlights.
Checking your student email is another way stay up to date on all the useful information we’ve sent your way. In your email you’ll find in-depth information for Move-In Day, like where to park to unload, where to check in, and what your new mailing address is.
3. Get organized
Let’s face it, moving can be stressful! One way to help keep the experience stress-free is to make sure you are organized.
We recommend labeling all your boxes/totes/etc. and packing your vehicle the night before you commute to WSU. This will allow you to check through your items one last time to make sure you’ve gathered everything you need, in addition to eliminating any last-minute packing.
4. Review the Housing & Residence life policies
It’s a great time to brush up on some of the rules of living in the residence halls to ensure your time living in the dorms goes as smoothly as possible.
Check out the Housing Policies and FAQs for the Housing and Residence life policies and procedures handbook as well as some answers to students’ frequently asked questions.
5. Enjoy your last few weeks of summer
College is starting soon!
Take these next few weeks to enjoy your time at home with family and friends before moving to Winona and starting your journey here at WSU.
We recommend that students make a plan to stay in Winona the first four to six weeks after move-in. There will be many activities going on where you’ll have the chance to make new friends and really get engaged.
If you’re missing home, don’t worry. That’s normal. The great news is Family Weekend is right around the corner! Make plans for your family to come visit you during that eventful weekend and show off your new home.
– Megan Johnson