University has been in session for going on two months now and students are starting to get in the swing of things. As a current student at WSU I thought I could share some of the experiences that I have had that go against what you usually hear about the college experience.

Myth 1: I am just another number in my school and classes.
Winona State has a 19:1 student to faculty ratio. All of the faculty here at Winona care about their student’s success and well-being.
Winona professors are required to have 10 open office hours a week and often open their doors while just sitting in their office for fun.
Class sizes at WSU average at around 27 students. This makes it fairly simple for students to get involved in the class and with their professors.
I have had professors that I have not had since my first year at Winona remember my name and ask how I am doing. There are lots of kind and caring faculty and staff at WSU that make each student more than just a number to the university.

Myth 2: Meeting new people at Winona is especially hard during a pandemic.
While WSU is taking every precaution possible to make sure that everyone is staying healthy, there are still lots of opportunities for students to meet new people.
94% of our first-year students chose to live in one of our 7 unique residence halls. These halls provide lots of great ways for students to meet people in a safe and fun manner.
A friend that I have who is a resident assistant in the dorms held a brick painting party for her residents and anyone in Sheehan hall. Students were able to physically distance outside and paint their bricks (used to hold open their door) while having conversations with other residents in the hall.
There are also still tons of clubs meeting on campus as well as through zoom. All activities have to be approved through the Alliance of Student Organizations to make sure they are following COVID-19 guidelines. The Warrior Entertainment Network is still hosting Kryzsko After Dark the last Friday of the month.

Myth 3: There are not a lot of options for financial help at Winona State.
The WSU Scholarship Foundation offers over $1.4 million in scholarships for Winona State students every year. With over 700 scholarships there are lots of options for students to get help financially while at Winona.
Winona State also has merit-based scholarships that are ACT/SAT and high school GPA based. Every student who applies to WSU and is admitted is considered for these scholarships. There are no extra steps for students to complete in order to receive these scholarships.
Our university also has a list on their website of trusted outside scholarships to make sure that students are not getting scammed. WSU Catalog has a whole list of outside scholarships that students can look into and apply for. Students can also ask parents, teachers, counselors, and employees about any scholarships offered through their town.
Attending college can be a scary investment that can be a big risk for students. It is reassuring to know that students are valued, cared for, and appreciated while they are at WSU and after they graduate. From caring professors and faculty to lots of opportunities for financial, emotional, and overall success, students have opportunities galore at Winona State University.
-Sydney Dumond, Admissions Student Intern