- Photo by Brian Waldbillig ’18
As the school year quickly approaches, so does the horrifying word “adulting.” This means busting out your planner, resurfacing the backpack you eagerly shoved in your closet at the end of May and crying as you apply for student loans and add to your debt. However, there is one thing you can do to make your bank account (and yourself) very happy – scholarships! Here’s how to go about it:
1) Start NOW
There isn’t a better time to apply for scholarships than now, in the summer. The earlier you apply, the better chance you have to get scholarship money. Also, right now you’re free of a full class load and you typically have more down time now than during the start of the school year.
2) Visit the WSU scholarship page
Go to the university’s scholarship page to see all of the different options our university has to offer and look for answers to your questions!
3) Looking for something super easy?
Check out the WSU Foundation Scholarships that are available. Once you sign in, you can fill out your general application that will attach to scholarship applications you submit. You can also view all of your submitted applications, check their statuses and search for tons of financial opportunities.
4) Don’t limit yourself to just WSU-specific scholarships
Browse other sources online for scholarships! A great place to start is the College Board, where you can look at scholarships through the most specific or broad window you’d like!
5) I’ve applied – what now?
Make sure to keep a close eye on your WSU email, as that is how most scholarship winners are announced. You can also check your “award letter” under the financial aid tab within your e-services account. Any further questions? The Warrior Hub is a great place to get answers.
Now, get to it Warriors!
Updated by Erin Kloepping on 5/22/18