While it feels like college is so far away, it will come faster than you think. This can be a scary time, trying to figure out where to live, who to live with, what you want to do with your life, all of these things.
But this is the time to get excited because housing applications for next year are now open!

Photo by Amy Nelson ’20
Applying for housing means that you’re getting ready to step into your new life at college. While this may seem like a big step, Winona State has made the application process as easy as possible.
Before you begin applying for housing, make sure you have applied to Winona State and been accepted. After that task is checked off your to-do list, you can start the housing application.
How Do I Apply for Housing?
Once you’ve been accepted into WSU, you can log into your eServices account.
To apply for housing, you’ll need to click on “Housing and Dining” in the left-hand tool bar. You will be asked to resubmit your StarID and password and then you’ll be able to begin your “New Student Application.”
Next Steps
Continue filling out the application until you get to a page that says, “Initial Application Complete.” Once you get here, you have finished the first stages of applying for housing next year!
You are required to submit a $250 pre-payment to guarantee your spot on-campus. To do so, go to “Bills and Payment” in eServices to submit the payment.
Start Applying Today
The applications opened September 15. If you submit your application prior to May 1, you will get to pick where you’re living next year! If you apply after May 1, no worries–our staff will assign you a room and notify you via email once you’ve been placed.
Make sure to pay attention to your Housing Portal for more information and to stay updated on the next steps for your housing application.
If you have any questions or concerns, you can call the Housing and Residence Life office between the hours of 8am and 4pm at 507.457.5305 or email the office at housing@winona.edu.