WSU Announces In-Person Learning
In-person experiences are imperative to a student’s college experience. That’s why WSU plans to have 70 percent of classes in-person for the Fall 2021 Semester, with the other 30 percent a mix of online, hybrid, and in the field studies.
Many WSU faculty feel the switch to more in-person classes, activities, and campus and community amenities will help restore and reconnect the campus community.
With the rise of vaccination rates, decreased COVID cases, and through compliance with state guidance, WSU is confident the switch will make for a safe in-person fall semester.
WSU Receives Largest Donation Ever
WSU has received the largest donation in its history. The late Maynard “Mo” Weber ’50, a lifelong WSU patron, gifted the university $5 million to put toward his love of WSU’s Art & Design program and Warrior baseball.
The majority of the gift will fund two preexisting scholarships in the Art & Design program and a future state-of-the-art gallery space, where the paintings of famed painter Max Weber, Mo’s father, will be some of the featured works.

Another portion will go toward funding a new baseball scholarship and furthering WSU’s Sustaining Fund.
“Mo Weber’s generosity and love of WSU knew no bounds. He helped kindle Winona State’s love of beautiful art as well as our love of Warrior baseball, and for that and so many other reasons, we will be forever grateful to him,” President Olson said.
WSU Students Instrumental in Vaccine Rollouts
More than 160 WSU nursing students are on the front lines in the effort to vaccinate community residents.
After receiving their own vaccine, nursing students worked in vaccine clinics in Winona and Olmstead Counties to help check in residents, administer vaccines, and observe for any adverse reactions.

They also worked to educate other students and community populations about the vaccine and its importance.
With the help of these WSU students, community residents will get vaccinated and have more access to a vaccine at a much faster rate. As more vaccines become available to the university, these same students will also help vaccinate other students, faculty and staff on campus.

WSU Increases Scholarship Opportunities
Incoming students now have more scholarship opportunities at WSU.
The Warrior Way initiative and the Faculty Promise Scholarship are two opportunities created to help support incoming students in financial need.
WSU has also doubled the amount of their one-time transfer scholarship to better support incoming transfer students.
Since the pandemic has also made it difficult for 2021 incoming freshmen to take the ACT/SAT, all of WSU’s academic scholarships will now be based solely on high school GPA. This test-score elimination and these new scholarship opportunities will hopefully make financial support at WSU more accessible to all students who need it.
New Public Health Nutrition Major
WSU has created a new Public Health Nutrition major, making it the only institution in Minnesota to offer an undergraduate degree in this field. This addition is in direct response to student requests and in light of the ongoing pandemic, which has caused an increase in food insecurity concerns.
The new major will prepare students for careers that promote healthy food habits and food access within communities. Students will also learn to address diverse nutritional needs by gaining a global perspective of food cultures.

WSU Opens Warrior Esports Lounge
Get your game on! WSU has opened the new Warrior Esports Lounge in the Student Activities Center in Kryzsko Commons, where fellow gamers can come together and play numerous popular video games with all the latest equipment.
The Warrior Esports Lounge is open to all WSU students and is currently following state guidance for health and safety to ensure this space can be a fun and safe addition to the Student Union.
WSU Food Shelf Here to Stay
This school year, an abundance of support from various donations has been given to the Warrior Cupboard, ensuring the food shelf is here to stay.
With the extra funds, the food shelf is not only able to continue providing essential goods to students, but now has the resources to create an entirely new program to battle food insecurity.

The goal of this new program is to coordinate with students to help them plan out and make their favorite meals at home in a healthy and cost-effective way by providing a recipe and the specific ingredients they will need. This program also aims to help students most affected financially by the pandemic.
WSU Scores High Marks in Student Support and Outcomes
This year, even in the midst of a pandemic, Winona State has once again earned top placements in annual rankings of U.S. colleges and universities, earning the #1 spot for its Student Success Rate among all college and universities in Minnesota.
Scoring high marks for providing superior student support and financial aid opportunities, to impressive academic success and graduate outcomes, WSU is exceeding expectations and outperforming other universities across the region, WSU President Scott R. Olson said.