I think we can all agree that this semester took an unexpected turn. For many students, the transition to online learning hasn’t been easy.

If you’re in need of study tips to help get you through these final two weeks of classes, then you’re in luck! 

Read on to learn how your fellow Warriors are making the most of “Zoom University,” and how you can do the same.


Get Organized


Kellen Brandt

“As a future teacher, I’ve been trying to take this experience and learn to quickly adapt and find what works best for me. Making sure I follow a schedule has been the most helpful. Even if my class doesn’t meet over Zoom, I try to do homework for that class at its normally scheduled time. Sticky notes and lists have also become my new best friends for keeping track of all my tasks.”


Bailey Rye

“Every Sunday, I write down everything I need to get done that week, and I hold myself accountable for what’s due. Using a planner has been a life-saver!


Hannah Hippensteel

Carve out a dedicated place to do homework. It’s been proven by studies that your brain functions best in environments that only have one purpose for each location. For example, a bed is meant for sleeping; therefore, it’s harder to sleep if you rest and watch Netflix there. For me, this means utilizing my home desk in my bedroom. I also use our upstairs entertainment room because it’s well-lit and secluded from the rest of my family members who are also doing WFH (work from home) tasks.”


Amanda Petro

Taking breaks from studying every so often helps break up the day and allows you to regain focus. My personal favorite activities to do are going for walks, annoying my sister and playing with my dog!”


Adjust Your Attitude


Jake Eberhard

“Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is really important because it can be difficult to focus on schoolwork when other aspects of life aren’t in order. This means prioritizing practicing cleanliness, good hygiene, proper diet and exercise, along with online classes. I think it’s most helpful to set goals for each day by telling yourself what you need to get done before your day starts. Even if it’s only one thing, you’ll be proud of yourself by the evening for sticking to your word!”


Brynn Artley

“Mornings are my most productive time of day, so I try to schedule my Zoom meetings then. Even if a meeting only runs for five minutes, I know that I have to get up and move because someone is counting on me and I’d feel bad if I slept through it. Being accountable to other people is ultimately a big motivator for me.


Gretchen Leif

Make your bed right away in the morning, so you’re less tempted to just lay around and be lazy. This also helps motivate me to exercise before I start any homework—I am awake, showered and attentive to what I need to get done for the day.”


We may be in uncharted territory, but remember that we’re all in the same boat. We will make it through this together… even though it will be from a distance. 


Stay safe, everyone!