Census? Was I supposed to do that?

The 2020 Census is coming up, and that may sound intimidating if you’ve never done it before. (And if you’ve never heard of it, here’s a quick overview of the Census).

I know I thought it was going to be like filing my taxes (before I found TurboTax #Bless).

But don’t worry! It’s easier than the Winona State Assessment Survey– so easy we don’t even need a day off.


What Questions Are on the Census? 

The Census is only 9 simple questions, as compared to 700 questions across the WSU Assessment Surveys.

  • Name
  • Age
  • Race
  • Sex
  • Hispanic origin
  • Household relationships (This means who you live with: Roommates, Parents, Extended Family etc.)
  • Housing questions


What if I Live On Campus?

Are you like me and living in a residence hall? Well, we’re already counted!

The school will take care of it whether you’re in any of the residence halls on Main Campus as well as East Lake Apartments.

Make sure your parents know that WSU is counting you, and that they should NOT include you in their Census response.


What If I Live Off Campus?

If you are living off-campus like my partner in crime, then filling out the Census is your responsibility.

If you have roommates (like so many of us broke college kids do), then only one person fills out the Census. But EVERYONE in the apartment is counted, so communicating between each other is important.

Pick someone for household head (the mom-friend of the group, the one who’s sitting at the computer, etc.) and count everyone living in your house as of 12pm on April 1, 2020. 


How Can I Take the Census?

For the first time ever, the Census is available online! The Census begins on March 12 and, if you live off campus, you’ll get a letter with information and instructions on how to complete the Census online. FOLLOW THEM!

And if you’re not confident on how to complete the Census you can stop by a local library. The Darrell Krueger and Winona Public Library are offering to help you fill out the survey if you have any questions.

If you’re unable to complete it online, it can be taken over the phone and by a mail-in. Learn more about the ways you can complete the 2020 Census.

If you still have not completed the Census by the end of April, then you will get a reminder in the mail to do so online.


The Census is not some scary monster of a form. It is just a survey, and we take plenty of those. The Census just happens to be a nation-wide survey that only comes around every 10 years.

If you still have questions about the Census, there are several resources available at 2020Census.gov and you can always ask one of the WSU librarians.