When I say “vacation,” you say “beach!” When I say “holiday,” you say “party!” Maybe you wouldn’t consider spending your vacation or trip by visiting crypts (sites of burial), but that’s exactly how many people spend their trips. WSU’s English Department travel...
May 11-28 I had the amazing opportunity to be one of 24 students on the Winona State University travel study to the US Virgin Island of St. Croix. This trip focused on Caribbean culture and history, and how race, class, and gender continue to play integral roles...
Whenever you travel to a new place, there are differences in the way people live there, especially when you’re in a different country. The road systems are different, the convenience store chains carry different products, and people behave differently. Different,...
As our trip has quickly come to a close, I am a jumble of emotions. I cannot wait to get home and see my family and friends, but at the same time I already miss London. Just so you all know, we’re only about halfway through our flight on the way back to the United...
Comedies, histories, tragedies you name it- Shakespeare has written a play about it. Although, you might not even be able to tell which type of genre you are reading because of the ever so confusing Kings English he wrote in. Of course they have “No Fear Shakespeare”...
Many of our stops in the travel study were to museums, and as you can imagine, museums have tourist oozing out of the doors. Finding our way in and out of the mobs of people, our group finally arrived inside of the British Museum. If you are unfamiliar with this...