WSU Students Create Spanish Language Books for Local Elementary Students
As part of their final semester project, students in Winona State University’s Intermediate Spanish courses have created children’s books in Spanish to be donated to local elementary schools, including Jefferson Elementary in Winona and Arcadia Elementary School in Wisconsin.
The WSU students will also read their books to students in the Rios Spanish Immersion Program at Jefferson Elementary Dec. 10-13

Assistant Professor Mary Hudgens Henderson
“The Libros Infantiles Project, part of the Spanish Language Studies at Winona State University, accomplishes several goals at once: first, it develops WSU students’ Spanish proficiency by using previously learned grammar and by going through several rounds of editing; second, it allows WSU students to express themselves creatively in Spanish; and third, WSU students produce a work that can be shared with the community, in this case the Spanish-speaking students of Madison Elementary’s Spanish Immersion program and Arcadia Elementary. WSU students get out of the classroom for a hands-on experience with other Spanish speakers and they share their knowledge of a topic (such as hygiene, bee-keeping, or famous artists) with children. This engagement with the community also raises awareness of bilingual education programs and the literacy needs of Spanish speakers, issues that everyone in the US should consider as critical to our nation’s future.”