Currently Recruiting Programs

We typically offer 17 – 20 faculty-led programs each year to destinations all over the globe. 

Some programs run every year. Some run on alternate years. And others may have several years between runs.

Explore what we’re offering during 2024-2025 by season.


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Spring Programs

Safe and Sound from Hospital to Home: Finland | Spring

Summer Programs

Berlin: Shifting the Paradigm
Business of Healthcare in Paris - Summer Program
Escape to England: Poets, Priests, and Prisons | Summer
Hawaii: Hot Spot Geology - Summer Program
International Perspectives on Social Welfare in Austria
Old Meets New: Timeless Japan | Summer
A Tango Through Argentina and Uruguay | Summer
South Korea: Exploring, Analyzing & Comparing Education & Culture | Summer
Spain: Unity in Diversity - Summer Program
Media and Cultural Practices of Dubai and the UAE | Summer
Yamuna River Study in India - Summer Program

Winter Programs

Cities of Fairytales - Goals 6 & 8 - Summer Program