Narrowing down your selection of college choices can often seem like an overwhelming task. Try talking to an admissions counselor to get some of your questions answered.
Fall is a common time for college admission representatives to visit your high school. Here are 8 questions I highly recommend asking them.
- Photo by Kelsa Katzfey ’21
What opportunities would I have if I majored in [blank] at your university?
As a senior in high school, I came across the major of Communication. I knew at first glance I wanted to major in communications, but it wasn’t until I was talking with an admission representative from WSU when I realized I wanted to major in Organizational Communication.
Talking to representatives can help you find specifics about your major.
What does a typical class look like?
This is an important question if you are worried about class sizes. In my first semester of college I have not had any classes in a lecture hall. Now, that won’t be the same with every class but if you are concerned about having large lecture classes you may be able to avoid one by asking an admissions counselor when applying for classes.
Social Life
What clubs are offered at this university?
At any university, you are guaranteed to find several clubs you find interesting. By asking your college representative, you can receive more information on the clubs.
Getting involved on campus is a great way to meet new people who have similar interests as you while taking part in fun activities.
What do students do for fun?
Moving to a new area can be nerve racking and therefore it is important to learn what the city you will be living in has to offer.
In the few weeks that I have been living in Winona I have been able to take advantage of the many outdoor adventures such as hiking the beautiful bluffs, kayaking, and even rock climbing Sugar Loaf. Going on tours of the school will also help you get a feel for the area.
Schedule your visit today!
What do students do right after graduating?
After receiving my acceptance letter from Winona I did more research on the major I am pursuing. It was inspiring to see all the alumni and their unique career paths. Looking back, I wish I would have asked more college representatives about the careers WSU graduates now have.
How is this university going to assist me in finding a job?
It is important to think about your future after graduating. During my visit to WSU, they talked to me about different internship ideas when I had not even graduated from high school yet. I noted how the admission representative took time to ask me specific questions about where I see myself working someday.
How much does it cost to attend this university?
Something else to keep in mind while talking to admission representatives is to look at the cost of the school. It is important to look closely at the amount for tuition, housing, and other student expenses.
Am I eligible for financial aid or scholarships?
Find out if you are eligible for financial aid or scholarships. Filling out the FAFSA is an important process to see if you are able to receive financial aid. Winona also offers scholarships. To those who are eligible, I recommend applying. The university’s website will give more detail regarding both financial aid opportunities and information about scholarships.
These are just a few questions that will hopefully help you as you embark on your college search. Remember what qualities of each school are important to you by examining the academic, social life, readiness for the future, and cost of attendance of each university.
Don’t be afraid to reach out to a college representative, and remember, no question is too silly or not important.
Swing on by your guidance office to see when an admissions counselor is coming to your school, or attend one of the several college fairs including the National College Fair.
The National College Fair for Minnesota is on Oct. 24 -25. I attended this fair and it was very beneficial as I’m sure it would be for you as well.