Looking for a college can be a stressful process. With so many options it’s hard to know for sure which one is right for you. Here’s seven reasons why WSU is the perfect fit for me.

Photo by Amy Nelson ’20
1. The Natural Beauty
Winona is a gorgeous town. Included in the town is the beautiful Mississippi River that runs through, two beautiful lakes not far from campus, as well as the bluffs that can be seen from any part of Winona.
One of my favorite things to do when the weather is nice is to go up to Garvin Heights. It is a scenic outlook that is open to the public and accessible by a short, 5-minute drive up the bluffs. Some of my favorite things to do there are hike, have a picnic, or even set up a hammock and just enjoy the beauty of the town. The best part is, it’s free!
2. The Perfect, Mid-Sized Town
Whether you’re coming from more of a big city setting or a small rural town, I think Winona is the perfect in between when it comes to size. It’s convenient that the town offers stores such as Walmart and Target that are only about a five-minute drive from campus, but it also doesn’t take you an hour to get from one side of town to the other.
If you decide not to bring a car to college, don’t fret! Winona offers a transit service for only $1.00 per ride that can transport you pretty much anywhere you need to go. Otherwise, there are other transportation options such as Lyft.
3. Quiet and Comfortable On-Campus Study Areas
In every building on campus there is at least one place you can sit down and work on homework, or just get some alone time. One of my favorite places to study is the library. It has three floors dedicated to noise level. Level one is regular talking, level two is whispering, and level three is completely silent.
I appreciate this because I need my quiet time when I’m studying and I don’t have to worry about the noise distracting me from getting my work done. You can most often find me on level three where the silent studiers are!
4. A Triple Decker Workout Center
One of my favorite places to burn time is in the Integrated Wellness Complex (IWC). It offers three levels of exercise equipment to stay fit. There’s everything from weight lifting, basketball courts, cardio equipment, and even an indoor track! Plus, with the huge windows that are placed throughout the beautiful facility, you can enjoy the view of the bluffs without actually having to be outdoors.
5. A Variety of Majors & Minors
Many students that come to WSU are undecided on their major. It’s reassuring to know that if you choose to come here and decide you want to switch your major, there are endless options for you to try!
6. Campus is Practical
Especially in the winter weather, it’s nice to be able to get from one end of campus to the other in less than five minutes. It’s small enough that you see familiar faces, yet big enough that you see a new face every day as well.
7. It’s Affordable
Obviously, the price tag for attending a university is a major decision maker for many students looking for a place to start their future. You’ll be happy to know, as I was, that Winona is ranked second out of the five most affordable public colleges that are similar to it in the region.
If price is still a concern for you, WSU also offers many scholarship opportunities once you’re enrolled. If you’re someone who took college classes in high school, you can try to transfer your PSEO and AP credits to WSU — which can save you money and can get you one step closer to graduation!
When deciding on a college, it’s important to consider all aspects to ensure you’re making the best decision for you. If you’re still uncertain and you’d like to get a better glimpse of what Winona can offer you, set up a tour or an overnight stay with someone who can give you first-hand advice on what your experience at WSU could look like. You never know, you may just come to find that Winona State is the perfect option for you!