Welcome Week might be over but there are still a few things you can do to be prepared for the beginning of classes. This first week can be pretty confusing as a freshman. You hear so much information all at once and it can be hard to retain it all.
If you find yourself feeling a bit lost, this list can help you find your way so you can start off the year with a solid foundation. Prepare yourself with this helpful checklist.
1. Check out the list of 170 WSU clubs, and meet other students who share your interests. If you don’t see a club or organization and you want to create one, go for it!
2. Go exploring! Grab some new friends and travel downtown to see what it has to offer, as well as other Winona hangouts.
3. Organize your computer and download programs. Especially if you know you will be needing a specific program for a class, download it ASAP! Waiting to do this in class with everyone else will be a long process you’ll want to avoid. If you have any questions or issues with your new computer, go to Tech Support (second floor of Somsen) before classes start and get everything squared away.
4. Order your books! Don’t know what books you’ll need? Search by your course to find which books your professor requires on the WSU Bookstore website.
5. Along with sending friend requests to everyone in your residence hall and classes, make sure you follow WSU on Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter to stay connected and updated on everything happening at WSU! And be sure to join your fellow freshmen in the Class of 2023 Facebook group.
6. If you haven’t figured this out already, make sure you know how to log in to your email and D2L. Also, be able to log on to “Find a Course” and locate your DARS report. Knowing how to use this tool will make fulfilling your major and minor class requirements a lot easier! If you want to update your major from undecided status, do so now! If you have questions about any of this, visit the Warrior Hub in Maxwell 222.
7. While you’re reviewing your DARS report, look to see who your advisor is. Your advisor can help you make sure you have all the right classes to keep you on track. Set up an appointment with them early in the semester to introduce yourself and talk about your career goals after graduation.
8. Get a pass at Lake Lodge to go canoeing, kayaking and more. It costs $20 for a year-long pass. The first time you sign up, you’ll need to fill out an info. card so they can get you in the database. After that, you just have to renew your pass every year to enjoy unlimited access!
9. Look for a job. This is not necessary for everyone, but if you are someone who’s interested in working during the school year now is the time to go around applying for jobs on and off campus.
10. Check out the awesome Integrated Wellness Complex and solidify your workout routine! Join the WSU Fitness Facebook Group if you want the inside scoop on free workout classes offered every week. This group is also a great place to find a workout buddy!
- Photo by Amy Nelson ’20
- Photo by Kelsa Katzfey ’21
- Photo by Brooke Powell ’21
- Photo by Garrett Super ’20
And, finally, are you excited for the year yet? Good!
You’re especially excited now that you are well prepared and have all your questions answered, right?
Just remember: Part of being a college student is becoming independent and figuring things out on your own (even if you have to make a few mistakes along the way).
Don’t be afraid to ask questions and use your resources! If you have any more questions about this list or even something not mentioned, leave a comment below and we’ll point you in the right direction!
–Anna Butler
Updated on 08/28/2019 by Hailey Seipel