Working on campus comes with many perks. You have little to no commute, never have to worry about conflicting work and class schedules, and very flexible hours. You have a great opportunity to work directly with the place you live and learn!

To Begin…

You want to log in to the Winona State Handshake site. You will need to enter in the required information to complete your account before you begin looking at jobs.  

Once your account is completed, you can go to the job search tab and select the ‘On-Campus’ filter. After that, it’s up to you to apply for a job that will be of interest to you.

When Applying…

You will need to have resume and cover letter ready to upload alongside your application. If you need help or want some examples of a good resume and cover letter, check out the videos provided to you by Career Services. You won’t need to worry about listing your class times in your application, once you get hired your supervisor will look at your registered classes and schedule you around them. 

More Resources:

Career Services also has many other resources available for students to use while applying for jobs. They have career advisors ready to help you with things such as career assessments, searching for jobs, or holding mock interviews to get you ready for the real thing. Career services is located in Maxwell Hall in Room 314. All available resources are free for students! 

Once You’re Hired…

You will need to go to Career Services in Maxwell Hall to complete some paperwork. Make sure to have some forms of ID, such as a driver’s license, passport, school ID, etc., available. Once all your paperwork is completed, your supervisor should reach out to you about a work schedule and training. 

On-campus jobs are a fantastic opportunity to earn some money while also interacting with the campus community. There is also a wide range of jobs available for students that will fit their interests and offer them a chance to gain experience in their career field. 

Whether you want work with a professor as a teaching aide, work in IT, or help out at the front desk of your residence hall, Winona State University has a position open waiting for you to seize the opportunity!

If you want to read more about student employment at WSU, check out the Student Employment Website. 

Authored by Meg Johnson, ’24