Things I’ll Miss About Winona Over the Summer

As many of us will be going back home or away for a job this summer, we may not miss having class every day, but there are still aspects of Winona that will be missed greatly. For me, my friends will be what I miss the most this summer. The friendships I have formed...

Chi Alpha Takes on Mexico City

Like many Winona State students, eight Chi Alpha students went on a trip over spring break. However, on March 5, they embarked on a mission that has set their trip apart from many others. Instead of lying on a beach over spring break, these eight students chose to...

My Journey to Ecuador: A Thank You

Over winter break my friend, McKenna Cook, and I embarked on a journey to Ecuador that we will never forget. Prior to our departure, we were overwhelmed by the love and support from our fellow friends and family. Therefore, upon our arrival from Ecuador, I wrote a...

Warriors, What Are You Thankful For?

Too often we get so caught up in the thought of tables full of delicious turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie during this time of year and we forget the true meaning of Thanksgiving. This is the time of year to express our gratitude for all of the many...