A Big City Guy in Small Town Life

When coming into college, you hear a lot fears about moving from a small town to a city. There are plenty stories in pop culture of scared Stewart Littles coming from a friendly, small town to the mean and nasty big city.  What you don’t normally think about, however,...

Coding– What is it Good For?

You don’t see it, but this blog is built with computer code. So is Facebook and Hulu and D2L. Every day you are using hypertext markup language (HTML) and cascading style sheets (CSS) but do you have any idea how they work? Steve Jobs once said that “I think everybody...

The Pros & Cons of Online Classes

When I registered for classes back in June, I was pretty pleased with my schedule for my first semester. After Orientation Week, however,  I realized that I wasn’t ready for my Intro to Public Speaking class. Even though it interested me (and is required), I...

I’m On a Boat at WSU! Wait, What??

Hello and welcome back to another year in beautiful Winona. I spent the majority of my summer back home in Milwaukee completely isolated from Winona and any events that may have happened over our long break. I had little contact with the Winona community outside of my...

Home v. Here

For the average WSU student, coming to Winona State University wasn’t that long of a trek or much of a difference culturally. Well, for me it was the biggest change of my life. My name is Rachel and I am originally from Danbury, Connecticut. You’re probably thinking,...