by Guest Blogger | Mar 24, 2022 | Admissions Blog, Residence Life
Let’s be honest, one of the scariest things to think about when heading off to college is who your roommate will be. WSU offers a roommate request process, but if you don’t request a roommate, it’s totally fine! Many of our students are paired with someone they did...
by Roberta Kennedy | Jan 5, 2022 | Campus Life Blog, Community, Feature Post, Outdoor Activities & Nature, Residence Life
Tis’ the season for a Minnesota winter! With cold and snowy days here, it’s best to be prepared for worst case scenarios. Here are 10 emergency kit items to have in your vehicle. 1. Ice Scraper This is a necessity! When driving, visibility is key and having a...
by Kiva Grote-Hirsch | Oct 15, 2021 | Campus Life, Campus Life Blog, Feature Post
Have you ever thought about taking winter classes over the long break to catch up, keep up or get ahead? Last year, WSU offered a mini term between the fall and spring semesters. This session was called J-term (which stood for “January Term”), and faculty across many...
by Guest Blogger | Oct 4, 2021 | Campus Life, Campus Life Blog, Feature Post, homecoming
Ladies and gentlemen, the time has come for the 2021 Homecoming CELEBRATION! As the leaves start to change color, the WSU campus is buzzing with excitement for the return of our home sweet homecoming. And I couldn’t be more ecstatic for it. Due to COVID-19,...
by Guest Blogger | Sep 8, 2021 | Campus Life, Campus Life Blog, Feature Post, Travel
Taken by Shannon Brown in 2018 near the Amazon Rainforest Studying abroad is something students come to Winona State for, but COVID-19 has kind of put a wrench in things. Don’t stress! We’ve got you covered with what you can do right now to get your ducks in a row....
by Hailey Seipel | Aug 9, 2021 | Admissions Blog, Campus Life, Student Clubs, Winona
When we all come together for university events, it’s easy to see a sea of purple and label us collectively as Warriors. However, not every Warrior is alike. Some Warriors enjoy sports while others prefer hiking; some like music while others appreciate movies....