The time is finally upon us. The sun is shining, the birds are singing and everyone has a little extra skip in their step on the way to classes because IT’S THE END OF THE SCHOOL YEAR!

But before you can hit the beach, you need to hit the books. And on top of all that finals studying, you somehow need to find the time to clean up/pack your living space of the last 9 months. That sounds pretty doable, right?


Cleaning stressed chores GIF on GIFER - by Raindefender

It can be if you are proactive these last few weeks of classes and don’t wait until the last minute to pack! Trust me, in the last few years I’ve learned a thing or two about the dos (and don’ts) when it comes to hauling all your things back home.

Here are some tips and tricks on how to make the moving process as smooth as possible and to start off your stress-free summer! (Otherwise, you’re going to be that one person frantically running piles of clothes to your car, dropping a few unmentionables along way… )

1. Start Early!

This may seem like the obvious answer here, but it can be a huge time-saver.  Over the last few weeks of school, start putting things into boxes and bins.

Now that winter is officially over (fingers crossed), I like to put away all of my boots and coats into a bin right away. If you have a car on campus, you can even start filling it with items you no longer need the rest of the semester.

2. Clean Out & Organize

Use this time to really evaluate the things you need to bring home and what you can do without.

If you have clothes in your closet that have gone untouched the entire year, it would be wise to donate them to Winona Volunteer Services, Goodwill or other local thrift store. You could also try to post thing you no longer want on Wazoo’s List or Facebook Marketplace.

The more you donate, the less you need to bring home.

3. Share Cleaning Supplies

Most residence halls do not have a vacuum to check out, so ask a friend to borrow theirs. You can also share other cleaning items like sanitizing wipes, dusting materials, brooms etc.

This will help keep costs down and you won’t be stuck with random leftover supplies. Your parents have enough of those at home.

4. Bring a Load Home

If you plan on going home between now and finals week, it’s a good idea to bring home some of your already-packed items.
This clears out more space in your room AND gives you a head start on unpacking and re-organizing your room at home. Slow and steady wins the race when it comes to re-locating your entire room again.

5. Take Pictures

This may seem silly, but take pictures of your room now! It’s always fun to go back and reminisce on your college home. Grab your roommate and pretend you’re on Youtube doing a room tour – clean and organize your room before the packing begins and have a photo-shoot. 

Packing up your entire life at school may be sad and stressful, but enjoy these last few moments at your current college home, Warriors!