It’s a battle that we have all faced. You’re working on some homework that you’ve put off doing, and you just sit and stare at the screen or paper.
Is this even English?
These directions make no sense.
How do I even start this problem?
Or maybe you’re working extremely hard, never missing a class, but it just isn’t clicking. I know that I’ve faced this problem before. One tool I utilize, but not many students do, is our on campus tutoring.

Tutoring Services is open to all students, so make sure you take advantage of this great resource and the student tutors who are ready to help!
I recently got in touch with Jillian Quandt, the Associate Director of Warrior Success Center for Tutoring and Testing Services.
She said in a typical year only about 1 out of 5 students use Tutoring Services. Tutoring Services employs about 50-70 undergraduate students every year, making it one of the largest providers of academically-related work experience at WSU.
If you take a class at WSU then you are able to use any options the Tutoring Services offers! There are 3 types of tutoring: 1-on-1, drop-in, or group.
If you want a 1-on-1 appointment, you need to make it 24 hours in advance to give the tutor adequate time to prepare. Tutoring Services can be found on the second floor of the library in room 220, in Lourdes Hall 158 on west campus, as well as the SLC third floor terrace. There is no limit to how many times one may use drop-in tutoring, but 1-on-1 tutoring is limited to about one hour a week.
To find out what classes have tutoring available you will need to log into TutorTrac.
Another thing many students may not know is that in addition to drop-in tutoring and arranged appointments, students can access professional online tutors for free through Winona State’s contract with Smarthinking Online Tutoring. The link is available right after you login to D2L right below your list of courses on the left.
If you would like to become a tutor, you will need to have a GPA of at least a 3.0, 32 credits completed, an A or B in the course you would like to tutor in, a letter of recommendation form from a faculty member in the area of subject as well as good communication skills.
Never feel scared or nervous to utilize this advantage WSU gives us. The tutors are there because they want to help students. I have found it very useful and would even like to become a tutor!