- Photo by Kelsa Katzfey ’21
It’s getting to be that time of year. Second semester midterms have passed. Spring break has come and gone. We’re on the home stretch. But for most of us, that stretch seems quite lengthy.
Here are 7 tips to help you get over that mid-semester hump and push through the rest of the year!
1. Make a plan for the rest of the semester
Sometimes seeing what you need to get done written out in front of you can help you prioritize better. Plan a schedule to complete your large final projects and papers. Being proactive will help alleviate stress a couple weeks down the road.
2. Create a rewards system for yourself
If you stick to the schedule you set for yourself, you should earn some type of personal reward. For example, you can set a goal that you will study for your big test a little each day for a week. If you follow through, you can treat yourself to Starbucks at Zane’s or take the weekend off from studying that subject after.
3. Don’t give up in your classes
We’re all excited for summer to come, and that excitement can sometimes cause us to put a little less effort into our coursework. Stay focused and motivated!
4. Take advantage of the changing weather
The sun is starting to come out, the snow is melting and staying away for good. In between classes, or instead of taking that afternoon nap, take a walk around Lake Winona. Grab a friend and go rollerblading, too, or put up a hammock.
5. Spend quality time with your friends
Before everyone goes their separate ways at the close of the semester, spend the last weeks of school making lots of memories! Once you have all gone home for the summer, you will realize how much you miss everyone.
6. Plan some fun things to do this summer
Giving yourself something to look forward to this upcoming break will motivate you to push through the end of this semester.
7. Take care of yourself
Be sure to stay rested, hydrated and healthy, Warriors. With the weather changing, it’s easy to forget that we still need to take care of our bodies. Eat a healthy balance of foods, exercise often, and you’ll be fueled all the way through the rest of the semester!
– Updated by Hailey Seipel (10/22/2019)