Angela (left) and I have been best friends since freshmen year, along with three of my other current roommates. We’ve taken our share of late-night summer selfies, but there are still many more pics to snap before graduation!
After winter break I will begin my final semester as an undergrad. THAT IS SO WEIRD. I can’t believe how fast my time here at WSU has flown by. It feels like yesterday I was moving into Prentiss Hall in the scorching heat, nervous about meeting my roommate and unsure where my classes were. I know everyone says this, but if you’re a freshman or have a few years left of college, enjoy every second of it. Don’t take your days here at WSU for granted, because they will be some of the best years of your life.
That being said, I want to make the most out of my final semester here at WSU and take advantage of the awesome resources and opportunities available on campus while I still can. Here are 9 things I want to do on campus this spring semester before I graduate:
1) Attend performances at the PAC
Music has always been a big part of my life growing up, and I even played viola for two years in WSU’s orchestra.
I’m mad at myself for not taking advantage of the awesome, FREE concerts on campus like the Faculty Jazz Ensemble and other faculty and student recitals.
Also, there are great plays and other performances that are open to students for little to no cost.
2) One last caf meal
Freshmen year my friends and I would all text each other and meet up at least once a day to eat together in the caf.
Sadly, my meal plan and swiping days are over, but my roommates and I plan on having one last farewell meal in our beloved (newly renovated I might add) cafeteria, even if we have to pay.
3) Go to more games
Like music, sports have always been a huge part of my life. I’ve gone to a handful of games over the years at WSU, but next semester I plan on really making an effort to attend most home games/meets, whether it’s basketball, baseball, softball or gymnastics.
Games are FREE for students so I need to take advantage of this and cheer on fellow Warriors before my time here comes to an end.
4) Attend more speakers on campus
I’ve attended a handful of speakers who have come to campus in order to receive extra credit in a few of my classes, but I’ve never attended out of pure curiosity and interest in the topic presented on.
Come spring semester I want to take advantage of these FREE speakers who come to campus and discuss past experiences, offer advice and give professional talks on things you should know.
5) Relax in the grass
When it finally warms back up I’m going to make it a point to just sit in the courtyard more and enjoy the sights and sounds of campus. There’s only been a few times where I’ve laid out on the campus grass under the sun and just relaxed.
6) Try a yoga class in the IWC
I’ve always attended Insanity workout classes offered at the IWC, but I’ve never attended a yoga class. I’m not a huge yoga fan, but I want to try ending my workout in the IWC with a yoga class.
All fitness classes are FREE to attend so I’m going to attend as many of them as I can my last semester!
7) Tune in to KQAL
It took a little while before I heard about WSU’s radio station, KQAL. It’s operated by the Mass Communication Department on campus, and I often hear it while walking through Phelps Hall.
They play a great mix of things and I’ve never taken the time to actually tune in to 89.5 FM or listen to it online.
Sure, I have a few pictures of me with friends on campus, but I have yet to get a full-squad photo in the gazebo or by one of the WSU signs. It’ll be great to have photos to look back on that picture all five of my roommates and me at one of the well-known spots on campus.
I can’t wait to start crossing these items off my bucket list in spring semester! What’s on your campus bucket list?