It’s Official…
The Winona Lake Lodge is reopening! This winter, the Lake Lodge will be open Friday through Sunday.
Due to the pandemic, things will be a little different at the lodge in order to keep people as safe as possible. The lodge isn’t charging for passes or memberships, instead patrons will be charged for the equipment they rent.
Of course, the ice is free if you have your own equipment you would like to use.
What You Need to Know
- Hours: Friday 4-7pm, Saturday and Sunday 1-7pm throughout winter
- Prices: hockey and broomball sticks $1, ice skates $4, and snowshoes $6
- No memberships or passes
The Lake Lodge offers opportunities for activities like snowshoeing, broomball, hockey, and ice skating.
Snowshoeing is a fun anaerobic exercise you can do in the winter. The snow on the ground makes for a good source of resistance, which makes snowshoeing a great form of exercise.
Broomball and hockey are both very similar games that you can play right on the iced-over lake. These games are great opportunities to be social, competitive, and active in the winter.
Ice skating is another challenging, but enjoyable form of exercise that you can do on the lake. Ice skating can improve both your balance and coordination. This is also a good activity to do with friends.
Inside the Lodge
In order to limit the number of people in the building, the lodge is utilizing an outdoor service window where you can rent equipment for these winter activities from. Patrons are still able to access the indoor restrooms, but the rest of the building is closed off.
Visiting East Lake is a great safe outdoor winter activity, and now you don’t have to worry about not having recreation equipment!
To learn more about what the Lake Lodge has to offer, you can visit their website: