Submit a Post

WSU Blogs are maintained and written by students at Winona State University. The blogs include the WSU Wellness, Admissions, Improving our World, and Residence Life blogs, which cover a wide variety of topics about life as Winona State students.
There have been posts about living in the residence halls, handling the stress of finals week, applying for scholarships, volunteering in the Winona community, traveling abroad and so much more.
Do you have an idea for a great post in one of these categories? Then we’d like to hear from you!
Step 1
Write out your post. Be sure to check for grammar and spelling mistakes! Also, make sure to include a feature photo.
Step 2
Submit your post request using the form below. Be sure to fill out all form fields to the best of your ability.
Step 3
Sit back and wait! Once we receive your submission, we will contact you shortly about editing and posting!
New Blog Submission
WSU Blogs are maintained and written by students at Winona State University. The blogs include the WSU Wellness, Admissions, Improving our World, and Residence Life blogs.
Do you have an idea for a post that falls under one of these categories or that would be especially helpful to Winona State students? We would like to hear from you!