11 Things to Do in Winona Over the Summer

At some point during your college experience here at WSU you are going to stay the summer. This may be for work, summer classes, or solely because you are already paying rent so why not live in that house. This summer, I ended up being one of those people. There was...

My Experience Hunting for Off-Campus Housing

After freshman year, you can choose to live on campus again or move somewhere off campus. I chose the latter!     My friend and I were planning on living together, but once we found out that one of her classmates and her friend were also looking for a place...

Home v. Here

For the average WSU student, coming to Winona State University wasn’t that long of a trek or much of a difference culturally. Well, for me it was the biggest change of my life. My name is Rachel and I am originally from Danbury, Connecticut. You’re probably thinking,...