Winona Lake Lodge Reopening

It’s Official… The Winona Lake Lodge is reopening! This winter, the Lake Lodge will be open Friday through Sunday.   Due to the pandemic, things will be a little different at the lodge in order to keep people as safe as possible. The lodge isn’t charging for...

Preview of Finals Week

Finals week is going to look quite a bit different from past years. This final’s week, professors will have a variety of ways of testing students since some will be done remotely online while others are in-person.  The format of your final exams will depend on your...

5 Ways to Celebrate the Class of 2021

Attention Class of 2021: You’re still graduating! Graduating from college is a big deal. So, you deserve to honor all the hard work you put into your journey as a Warrior. Here are five ways to celebrate earning your degree. 1. Decorate your mortarboard cap This...