The Facts of Res Life

Tired of the person above you dragging a chair across the floor at 3am? Me too! My name is Hannah Carmack and by the end of this article you’ll know how to deal with some of the downsides of res life. Don’t get me wrong–for the most part, res life is...

17 Things Your RA Wants You to Know

When you move into the residence halls next week, you will meet your residence assistants. You may wonder, “Who are these supernatural beings that always keep their cool and have endless amounts of knowledge and energy to go around? How ever did they get to this...

Life in Prentiss-Lucas

Living in Prentiss-Lucas is great because it is close to Kryzsko Commons, the place to go for food and study lounges, and the academic buildings, so if you ever wake up with only five minutes before class you can still make it on time. However, one of the challenges...