As spring semester is wrapping up, it is time to think about where you’re moving to next. Whether you’re moving home for the summer, moving to summer housing on campus, or moving off campus, it’s important to move efficiently and smart!

If you’re anything like me, you want to know what you’re getting into before you get into it. And that’s okay! When it comes to moving out, it’s a bit nerve wracking. You’re balancing finals as well as trying to clean and pack up your belongings.

That’s why I prepared this little guide, which is a spinoff of my guide to moving back to school posted in July, so you can make moving out less of a hassle and much easier!

Here is John’s Declassified Moving Out Survival Guide:

  1. Start packing early – a few weeks early. Start with packing things you know you won’t use the rest of the semester.
  2. Think about purchasing vacuum seal bags for storing clothes and bedding, it’ll compact everything into a nice size!
  3. Rubbermaid containers will be your best friends! Use them to contain your items! Otherwise, use boxes and start storing things.
  4. Label, label, label your boxes with what they’re containing!
  5. Make sure to sign up for a checkout time as soon as you possibly can with your RA. Don’t be that one kid who signs up late and their RA is hounding them to sign up. Be an adult and sign up early.
  6. Make sure you’re early to your checkout time. If you’re ready to go before your checkout time, see if your RA would check you out early. If your RA is like me, you’ll earn bonus points – and they’ll probably gladly check you out earlier than planned!
  7. In your res hall room, make sure your room is cleaned to the point where someone could move in the next day. If you’d have something to complain about if you were moving in the next day, it’s not clean enough.
  8. If you’re going to be late to your checkout time, let your RA know in advance. Seriously.
  9. If you have items and non-perishable food that you do not want to take with you, ask your RA where you can take those items so they can be donated to other people in need.
  10. Before you check out, if you need any work orders completed (burnt out light, etc.), make sure to let your RA know in advance!

If you have questions at all during this process, find your RA, go to the front desk of your building, or contact the Housing and Residence Life office. They’d love to help you out!

Best of luck on your finals! Have a great summer!