Workday is ready to launch! Starting July 1, all Winona State employees will use Workday to manage finance, human resource, and personnel tasks.

You’ll use Workday to submit your timesheet, request leave, reactivate and manage your purchasing card, update your personal data, work through the requisition and procurement process, and perform many other essential job functions.  

The basic training you’ve already completed should prepare you to start using these user-friendly tools. However, we know that with the introduction of any new system or tool, there will be questions, confusion, and maybe even some glitches.  

But don’t worry! Support is available.  

If you need assistance once you’ve started using Workday, please follow these steps. As you can imagine, with the shift to Workday, we anticipate that Tech Support will be quite busy with requests, so please be patient and understanding.

You can likely find answers and solutions by referring to resource guides or by talking with your supervisor or coworkers.  

Step 1: Refer to guides and training materials

For help accessing and using Workday, please refer to the large collection of handy resources and training materials that are available online. These resources include detailed user guides showing step-by-step instructions for almost all functions in Workday.  

You can access Workday resources and training materials on the Minnesota State Connect Workday Training SharePoint site.

You can also check the Workday blog for quick summaries and easy access to general Workday information and guides.

The job aids and Workday blog present a wealth of support information and are the two best ways to attempt answering any questions you might have as you initially start to manage your general tasks in Workday. 

Step 2: Talk to your supervisor or a coworker

If you have questions or face difficulty while starting to use Workday, it’s likely that your coworkers are as well. Someone in your office may already have the answers or solutions you are seeking.

You can also check with your direct supervisor for recommendations on training and resources. 

Step 3: Contact the Technical Support Center for help

If you haven’t found what you need from the training materials, resource guides, or from coworkers, you can reach out to our Tech Support team like you would for other technology questions.

Please do not contact Human Resources or the Business office staff directly.

All support questions and requests must be funneled through Tech Support. Tech Support will reach out to the necessary departments to resolve your issue.

We will continue communicating with you about important Workday topics as well as sharing other information via emails from Tech Support and updates to the Workday blog