Ready for Workday

Welcome to Ready for WorkdayThis site is your go-to spot for all the latest updates on Workday and NextGen curated specifically for our campus community.

We promise to keep announcements here straightforward, easy to understand, and most importantly, relevant to what’s happening right here at Winona State. 

If you’re looking for in-depth guides and resources on Workday and NextGen, you’ll find a wealth of information at the system level. They offer comprehensive online training covering all the ins and outs of Workday functionalities, tailored for every staff role. 

Let’s make this transition smooth and efficient together! Stay tuned to Ready for Workday for all your updates.

Read the Latest News on Workday

Top 6 Apps in Workday

Take care of business easier with some Workday apps worth adding to your shortcuts.

Workday Tips & Tricks

Get your frequently asked questions (FAQs) about using Workday answered and get advice along the way.

Your Workday Support Network

Have questions about using Workday? Know who to contact on campus and when.

Read Older Posts on Workday

Top 4 Finance Guides for Workday

Explore the top 4 job aids to guide you through finance-related tasks in Workday.

Top 2 HR Guides for Workday

Explore the top 2 job aids to guide you through human resources-related tasks in Workday.

Practice Using Workday

Learn more about how you can get hands-on practice using Workday before the July 1 launch.

Top 8 General Guides for Workday

Explore the top 8 “passport” resources to guide you every step of your Workday journey.

Countdown to Workday: Purchasing Prep

Know information about upcoming lockout dates when purchasing, P-Card transactions, and reimbursements will be paused.

Countdown to Workday: Time & Absence Prep

Here’s your quick guide to Workday time and leave dates, including time entries, time off requests, holiday pay, leaves of absences, and resources.

Countdown to Workday: Human Resources Prep

Know the deadlines for mandatory Workday training, plus important dates for recruiting, new hires, summer assignments, and more.

Countdown to Workday: Finances Prep

Stay on top of final deadlines for purchasing orders, travel expenses, reimbursements, and more as we transition to Workday.

NextGen & Workday 101

Know the difference between NextGen and Workday, then mark your calendars for important dates.