- Landscape
“What do you like doing in your free time?”
As college students we don’t get a lot of free time, and this question makes it even more stressful to find an interesting hobby to fill our free time. This is just one of the reasons finding the right hobby for you is important. It is also important to have something that provides personal enjoyment and fulfillment.
As college students, many of the activities we find ourselves doing have other benefits other than our happiness. Such as studying for classes to get good grades with the goal to eventually graduate. Many of us also work part time or full time jobs in addition to taking classes to make money or gain experience in a certain field, regardless if you enjoy your job or not – its sole purpose is not to bring happiness, but rather to fill your pockets and resumé.
We all also fill many other roles as friends, parents, significant others, siblings, children, etc. These can all be very fulfilling roles, but the most important role you will fill in your life is being yourself and part of that job includes providing your own happiness. To do this effectively and without the risk of also draining yourself, you need to find a hobby or activity you can participate in solely for your own fulfillment and enjoyment.
It may take some time to find the perfect hobby for you, so don’t get discouraged! Don’t be afraid to try something new and don’t worry about whether you will be “good” at this hobby because as long as it provides happiness and enjoyment, that’s all that matters. Here is a list of some hobbies for you to try out:
1. Reading
Many college students do a lot of reading already, so try to find books you can read at your own leisure. You could also join or create a book club for motivation or discussion.
2. Writing
Many college students also do a lot of writing, so again, do this for leisure. There are many things you could start writing: daily journals, letters to friends, short stories, poetry, or start a blog.
3. Hiking, biking, running and other outdoor activities
Winona is a great place for this! Between the bluffs, the lakes and the river, there are a lot of outdoor activities to pick from!
4. Photography
Even if you don’t want to buy a new, expensive camera, you can always go out with your phone in the search for the perfect Instagram-worthy picture!
5. Painting
If you are 21 or older, you could start by attending a wine and canvas night for a fun and interesting experience.
6. Cooking or baking
Hit up Pinterest for recipes to try. Follow WSU’s College-Friendly Recipes Pinterest board for some cheap and delicious ideas. You could even invite friends over and host a dinner party!
7. Knitting
This skill could come in handy around the holidays to make all your loved ones scarfs or hats for gifts.
8. Scrapbooking
You get to reminisce on old times and create something that will allow you to look back on great memories.
9. Yoga
Attend yoga in the park, go to a class at the IWC or even look up videos on YouTube.
10. Gardening
This is great during the summertime!
11. Teach yourself something new
Whether it’s learning to play an instrument or a speak a new language, trying something new is always fun!
12. Volunteering
Donate your time to a cause you are passionate about.
13. Sports
Join an intramural team or league for fun.
14. Collections
Start a collection of anything from stamps to coins, and go out in search for the perfect additions to your collection.
Now, get out there and find your next hobby and find your happiness!