April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). Sexual assault can happen to all gender identities and sexual orientations. The subject of sexual assault may make you uncomfortable but that gives even more reasons to talk about it and raise awareness for it.
The Stats
70% cases of sexual assaults go unreported. The most common reasons for not reporting amongst college aged students were that they believed it was a personal matter, believed it was not important enough, did not want to get the perpetrator in trouble, and believed police would not or could not do anything to help.
According to RAINN, 13% of all students experience rape or sexual assault, females aged 18-24 are at an elevated risk for sexual assault, and male college students (18-24yr) are 78% more likely than non-students to be a victim of sexual assault.
We Believe You
We know that sexual assault is prevalent in young adults (18-24 years) and college students. Here at Winona State and within the community, we believe you and we will help you. We have tools and resources to help you or your friends if you are ever victimized.
WSU Advocate
WSU has contracted with the Advocacy Center of Winona to provide students with a confidential advocate. The advocate is available on campus during the week. The advocate will listen to you without judgement, explain all options to you, and support you in your decisions.
Email the WSU Advocate at WS*@ad************.org
Call 507.452.4440, available during business hours 8:30AM–4:30PM. After hours calls will be forwarded to the Advocacy Center of Winona’s 24/7 helpline.
Visit the WSU Advocate at the OASIS Advocacy Center in Gildemeister 101, available Mon–Thurs 8:30AM–4:30PM and Friday by appointment.
Advocacy Center of Winona
The Advocacy Center of Winona, located downtown, has resources and tools to support survivors of sexual and domestic violence. They can help you seek emergency shelter, assist with filing restraining orders, attend court proceedings, and give you information on the options available to you.
Call 24/7 help hotline 507.452.4453
Located downtown in the Latsch & Sons building.
We Will Help You
Health & Wellness Services
At our clinic, we have a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) who has years of experience of working with college-aged victims at WSU and is specifically trained to help those who have been assaulted. SANE nurses are trauma informed and specially trained in the medical, psychological, and forensic examination of a sexual assault victim.
During a SANE exam, they will do an evidentiary exam where physical evidence of the sexual assault is collected and documented. You can also get treatment for STIs and/or pregnancy testing or prevention.
Call 507.457.5160 for appointments, same-day and walk-in appointments are possible.
Counseling Services
Sexual assault is trauma. It can take years to overcome traumatic events of being a victim of sexual assault.
Counseling Services has crisis hours available every day and appointments available for you to continue talking with someone. They can also help refer you to other local agencies that have specialized training in supporting victims.
Call 507.457.5330 or email co****************@wi****.edu for appointments.
During the month of April, we raise awareness for sexual assault, promote resources, and wear teal in support of sexual assault survivors. There are events happening all month long from the Advocacy Center of Winona in partnership with on-campus and local agencies to show support.
Even though sexual assault can happen at any day and any time of the year, remember to always ask for consent each and every time before hooking up and when changing sexual acts. Never forget if you or your partner is intoxicated, they cannot consent.
Take Back the Night
April 7th at 5PM, meet at Central Park in Winona
Awareness Walk for Sexual Assault Awareness Month
April 24th at 3PM, meet at the small lake at the pavilion on Dacota Street