Pacifism : the belief that it is wrong to use war or violence to settle disputes. 


Pacifism is an ideology as old as time itself, but for many of us, it seems like a pipe dream. It seems there’s never an end to the constant stream of wars and violent acts, so what’s the point of being pacifist anyways? Well, here are 4 distinct and immediate benefits from denouncing violence and following a peaceful way of life:

1. Low level of stress

Part of pacifism is avoiding conflict. But this isn’t just war-based conflict. It can be everything from conflict between workers, to between friends, to the short fights in a relationship. Oftentimes, stress is caused by the worry about these sorts of conflicts. Without them, stress flows right off of you like you’re a stone in the Mississippi.

2. Understanding of the individual

Pacifism’s number one ideological fact is the importance of every person, no matter who they are on the inside or out. Each person is just as special and interesting as anyone else. You may find people you don’t like, but you can understand that they matter. In this crazy messed up world of ours, everybody is in the same boat going down the same river. Though people may take different routes, they are all just as important.

3. Certainty of safety

This one is a bit strange. “How can you be sure of your safety with how much violence there is in the world today?” Here’s the thing: by avoiding violence and actively denouncing it, other people will learn to see life from the same angle. Not only that, but nobody wants to pick a fight with a pacifist. There’s no gratification from fighting with someone who finds no reason to fight, after all.

4. Living a peaceful life

This is the biggest, most obvious benefit from pursuing a pacifist lifestyle. When you live a life devoid of violent anger and hatred, and see the beauty in the individual, life becomes a peaceful journey without fear and without stress. You can spend your days awing at the wonders of the natural world, and of the individuals who work to keep people wondering. Without war, without violence, without hatred, the world is just a much better place.