As March raced to a close, we finally started to feel the air begin to warm, hear the birds chirping and see the grass replace snow. So I guess that means spring is here at last!
With the frigid days and dark evenings of winter behind us, we are beginning to crawl off the couch and away from our Netflix queues to take advantage of the new season. I’ve been seeing more and more people flock to the Wellness Center and the lakeside running trails to take in the sunshine and fresh air and to assess the damage the long winter has done to their levels of fitness.
For those of us that let winter get the best of them and are starting off back at square one, lacing up those running shoes and getting back out there can be a little difficult. You may be thinking, Where do I start? What should I be doing? How do I get motivated? Luckily, it seems like the folks in the IWC know how difficult this can be and has given us students some great resources and sources of motivation to help us get back out there and get on the course back to healthy activities.
For those of you are not sure where to start, the Fitness Center offers free fitness programs that you can download and use to get in a routine. These workout programs vary in length, number of days, and the type of workout you are looking to do and are a great place to start after a winter of binge-watching Netfix.
If you need some external motivation, just remember that your friends are likely MORE than willing to tell you when you are slacking. Working out with a friend can be much more fun than going alone, so it can be a great motivator that will help you stay on track. If you can’t find anyone, Health and Wellness Services has can hook you up with a workout buddy.
For those of you that are living in the residence halls, Prentiss-Lucas Hall and the Quad are currently putting on various wellness challenges over the month of April. Talk to your RA about joining and try to help your floor get the most hours in the gym. A little competition can give you some motivation to get out there as well.
I’m writing this from under the covers of my bed, so clearly, I’m not perfect with this either. However, the urge to get rid of layer covering my stomach (10 pizzas in the last 6 weeks will do that to a guy) is starting to get to me. Luckily I don’t need the extra pudge to stay warm anymore.
Best of luck to all of you!