Your Recap of Welcome Week

In case you missed an event or two from Welcome Week—or you want to look back on all the mems—we’ve got your back. Lots happened last week, and we captured it all for you. Here’s a recap of this year’s Welcome Week:     Stakes were high for students to...

6 Tips for Starting Freshman Year

If you’re reading this, I’m going to assume you are a new student looking for some advice, so welcome to Winona State University! When you first arrive on campus you will be met by many smiling faces, willing to help your transition to college life go smoothly. These...

Warrior Change-Up: Tie Dye

Mya Austin ’22 is the founder and President of Winona State’s Tie Dye club. Mya shares all the information you need to know to have a fun and successful tie dye experience! Want to brighten your world and get a new fun hobby? With natural fibered material such as...

Online Tools to Help Productivity

Now that most classes at WSU are being taught online I have found it harder for me to be productive with my schoolwork. Three of the hardest things I have come to realize with online school is that I am off task a lot, I struggle with taking notes, and I have trouble...