My Campus Bucket List

As my junior year of college is coming to an end, I can’t help but look back and reflect on how fast college has flown by. I have so many great memories here at Winona State, and it makes me sad that this time next year it will all be over. As I reflect, I also...

Get Involved in ANAD Week

ANAD. It stands for Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders. In 1976 it became the first non-profit organization for eating disorders. Although not talked about as publicly, eating disorders have affected all of us in some way, whether we know it or not. A Greek...

Get Your Tutor On

It’s a battle that we have all faced. You’re working on some homework that you’ve put off doing, and you just sit and stare at the screen or paper. Is this even English? These directions make no sense. How do I even start this problem? HOW AM I EVER GOING TO GET THIS...