by Erin Kloepping | May 1, 2019 | Campus Life, Campus Life Blog
The week of final exams is bound to be a little stressful. While some of us relieve stress by going for a walk, listening to music or maybe even crying (in moderation, of course), the rest of us choose to eat until our hearts are content (myself included!). ...
by Gretchen Leif | Feb 8, 2019 | Campus Life Blog, Residence Life
We all know that when February rolls around, every store brings out the heart-shaped candy boxes and pink teddy bears. For this oh-so-loved time of the year, Housing & Residence Life has created a contest for all on-campus residents! Write a few sentences on why...
by Hailey Seipel | Jan 31, 2019 | Campus Life Blog, COVID-19, Residence Life
There are a lot of decisions freshmen need to make before their college journey begins: where to attend, what to study, what future career to pursue… and, of course, where to live. No need to stress with the latter, though—we’ve got you covered! Choosing the right...
by Gretchen Leif | Nov 1, 2018 | Campus Life, Campus Life Blog
School spirit goes beyond the student section at the Saturday football games. Whether it’s inviting your family to experience the WSU community, cheering like crazy at a women’s soccer game, attending a WSU orchestra concert, or putting a WSU lanyard on your key ring,...
by Guest Blogger | Oct 25, 2018 | Campus Life, Campus Life Blog, homecoming, Social
Homecoming at WSU can be a whirlwind of events, people, and activities. Various clubs, organizations, and committees work together to provide an engaging, spirited, and safe Homecoming Week. Let’s take a look back through time and reflect on just how great...
by Samantha Johnson | Oct 5, 2018 | Campus Life, Campus Life Blog, homecoming
You think you’re sly but I know what you’re up to this weekend. So do a lot of people. I’m not here to tell you to give up your Friday night and stay home knitting (unless that’s what you want to do). I’m just here to help you take it easy. Your body and future self...