Winona State University-Rochester is nearing the end of our strategic planning process. Following a comprehensive SWOTs (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis, we are now establishing goals in alignment with our budget and the Winona State University strategic framework.

A public forum was held online on March 18 to help us establish goals based on the SWOTs analysis. A draft of these established goals are listed below and is available here as a PDF.

We welcome public feedback to help us align these strategic goals with our budget. Instead of hosting another meeting, we are giving you the opportunity to review a draft of our strategic goals and to provide your feedback with an online survey [closed on May 10, 2010].



WSU-Rochester Strategic Plan Quick Links


WSU Strategic Framework Alignment

WSU-Rochester has established our strategic goals in alignment with the WSU Strategic Framework and Master Plans.

Winona State University Strategic Framework
  • Theme 1: Student Learning
  • Theme 2: Student Success
  • Theme 3: Stewards of Place and Resources
  • Theme 4: Inclusive Excellence
  • Theme 5: Relationships 

Learn more about the Winona State University Strategic Framework

Winona State University Master Plans

Learn more about Master Planning at Winona State University

WSU-Rochester Strategic Goals (Draft: April 2021)

Cabinet, Leadership, Inclusive Excellence Plan (IEP) and Strategic Framework (inclusive excellence, relationships)

  • Goal: WSU Cabinet to work closely with Rochester leadership, faculty, and staff to enhance intentional communication to identify and honor Rochester connections and contributions. Timeline 2021-Onward
    • Tactic: Expand language to “campuses” and “environments” to reflect more than one location.
    • Tactic: Develop intentional communication venues where voices from all communities and populations are encouraged to share and problem solve.

Alignment to Facilities Plan (improvement and expansion) and Strategic Framework (stewards of place and resources)

  • Goal: Create a world class learning environment in Rochester.
    • Objective: WSU Facilities VP and AVP to expand accessible, safe/dry, and dedicated classrooms, labs, and offices that reflect the needs of the current and future programs. Timeline 2022-2025
    • Objective: WSU Cabinet to engage in substantive discussions with nursing program leadership and dean for CONHS to address skills and simulation laboratory needs in Rochester. Timeline 2021-2023
    • Objective: WSU AVP for Facilities to engage with Rochester faculty, staff, and students to ensure the WSU Master Facilities Plan (MFP) addresses current and future needs based on growth proposals. Timeline 2022-2025

Alignment to Technology Plan (improvement and expansion)

  • Goal: Create a world class learning experience for students.
    • Objective: Cabinet and CIO to engage in negotiations with RCTC to upgrade network during 2021 contract negotiations. Timeline for completion 2024
    • Objective: In collaboration with the MFP engage in substantive discussions with nursing program leadership and dean for CONHS to address laboratory needs in Rochester, including simulation. Timeline 2021-2023
  • Goal: In collaboration with the Inclusive Excellence Plan (IEP), create an accessible and appealing website to welcome and engage prospective student populations. Timeline 2021-2025

Alignment to Academic Plan and Enrollment Plan (Experience and Expertise), and Strategic Framework (Student Learning, Inclusive Excellence)

  • Goal: Diversify enrollment and create accessible and flexible programming at WSUR.
    • Objective: In alignment with the Academic Plan, the Provost and Deans to expand and centralize adult programming in Rochester. Establish a measurable goal with provost and deans. X number new programs, centralize specific programs
  • Goal: To align with the Academic Plan, develop and promote research and creative project opportunities between community partners and faculty and students.  Timeline 2021-2023

Alignment with Alumni and Development Leadership and Strategic Framework (Relationships)

  • Goal: VP Advancement to support Director of Alumni Relations to develop intentional programming for alumni in the Rochester region with outcomes related to networking, program expansion, mentoring, and options to become involved. Timeline 2022-2025
    • Specific: Rochester representation on Alumni Board/ Foundation Board
  • Goal: VP Advancement to develop 8-10 new scholarships to support transfer students at the $1,000-$5,000 annual level (each). Timeline 2022-2025
    • Specific: WSUR student representative on committee to define and distribute the scholarships.
  • Goal: VP Advancement to develop 8-10 new scholarships and emergency funding to support diverse (undergrad/ grad) students at the $1,000-$5,000 annual level (each). Timeline 2022-2025
    • Specific: WSUR diverse student representative on committee to define and distribute the scholarships.



Strategic Plan Next Steps

For more information, please contact Dr. Jeanine Gangeness, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs – Rochester, at jg********@wi****.edu.