Messy House, Messy Mind

All right everyone, it’s group activity time. I want all of you to picture for a moment the state of your homes, especially your bedrooms. For those of you currently at home, this task may be simplified by taking a moment to look around.  Stop whatever else you’re...

Libraries and the Art of Reliable Research

Welcome to February readers! February is one of my favorite months, not just because it contains Groundhog’s Day (the inspiration for that fantastic Bill Murray film) or even because my birthday is this month (which, unfortunately, Bill Murray will not be attending)....

Finding a Fit at FRFF

I spent my first couple years at WSU perfecting the art of being a high-functioning hermit. I was never one to leave my door open in the residence halls or to seek out those who did. I made a comfortable amount of new friends, but for the most part I existed in a...

Be a DARS Superstar

The picture above is easily the best picture I’ve seen in four years. Do you see that beautiful green pie graph? It illustrates the depth of my satisfaction knowing that in just one more semester I will be a college graduate. I’ll clarify now and say that I didn’t...