As vaccines are getting rolled out faster across the united states, it’s safe to say that brighter times are coming up right, just around the corner.
If you’re on the fence about getting vaccinated, read these students’ stories on why they are planning on or have already gotten their COVID-19 vaccines.

Missy Marcus ‘22, Biology Major, shares her insights on why getting vaccinated was important to her.
I got vaccinated to protect my family. My mom, dad, sister, and brother are all immunocompromised, meaning that if they got COVID-19, they are at risk of having serious complications or severe symptoms.
I also did it to protect the residents at the nursing home that I work at. All the residents that I work with are in the nursing home for a reason, which means that they are very susceptible to COVID. The only way they could get infected is through the staff that works with them. I want to help protect my residents the same way I am trying to help protect my family and friends.
Everything went well at my vaccination appointments. The shot itself was not painful! I did not feel it at all when they pricked my arm. I waited fifteen minutes after the shot to make sure that there was no negative reaction (which is very rare).
I did experience some side effects, but that’s perfectly normal. I had a sore arm and a headache with my first shot. A good night’s sleep helped to ware off any side effects, most of which were gone when I woke up. After my second shot, I had a headache, sore arm, and I also had some chills. Those symptoms only lasted through the night and I was as good as new the next day!
If you have the opportunity to get the vaccine, I would highly recommend you get it. The more people that are vaccinated, the more likely things can go back to “normal.” Getting the vaccine does not hurt and will protect you better in the long run. Stay safe out there!
– Missy Marcus ’22

Amanda Curtis ‘21, Nursing Major, shares her story on why getting vaccinated was important to her.
I got vaccinated to not only protect my family, friends, and patients, but also those who are not able to protect themselves.
Each person vaccinated means one step closer to normalcy–I am happy to have gotten the chance to protect others and move towards a more normal and healthier world.
-Amanda Curtis ’21
I plan on getting vaccinated to protect myself, my family, and everyone around me.
Getting vaccinated means that I am taking measures to stay protected from the virus and by doing so, I will be helping others stay protected. I am getting vaccinated because I care about the people close to me. Everyone should get vaccinated to help build herd immunity and slow the spread of the virus.
Learn more on why you can count on me to get vaccinated.
I chose to get vaccinated because I trust science. I want to keep my friends and family safer. Getting vaccinated is important to me.
Learn more about my personal vaccine experience.
I got vaccinated so that I can be there for all of my students, who I work with in close quarters. all week.
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