Anyone notice how the ratio of sweatpants to jeans shifts dramatically over the winter? The days of outlining bodies with the eye-appealing denim jeans seem long gone and the lazy age of the sweatpants has come, and its not leaving without a fight. If you’re like me and you would like this ratio to switch back to normalcy but just cannot get yourself to the gym because of this blasted weather, then its about time to invest in an easy solution. It does not start with exercise– YAAAAY, sounds fantastic already! You do not even need to stop eating your delicious treats that are necessary at the end of every homework session!

Instead, try bumping some of those fries off the plate and brighten it up with some spinach or cucumber instead! All types of food are ok, as long as you’re having them in moderation! According to the Center for Disease Control, the ideal amount of vegetables to have on your plate would be about 2 cups per meal which may sound like a lot, but 2 cups of spinach goes a long way! Not all vegetables have the same amount of nutritional value however. The list of best vegetables include cucumbers, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, peppers, peapods and brussel sprouts (but we can all ignore that last one).

If you just cannot jump on the green train, try to eat homemade meals that incorporate vegetables right in them! My favorite is pasta primavera, a recipe I got from the Food Network website. See above for a picture shown of this wonderful dish! This is just one website that gives you ideas of making this healthy yet hearty meal!

Eat up!! Nom nom nom…