Photo credit: Shannon Bolte '13

Photo credit: Shannon Bolte ’13

It’s the most stressful time of year (I hope you read that to Andy Williams’ It’s the Most Wonderful Time of Year). With finals right around the corner, it is hard to think about anything other than homework, exams and, of course, break—a wonderful month without papers, exams and homework. However, it is important that you do not forget to prepare for break. This includes cleaning your dorm room or house/apartment, saying goodbye to your WSU family and keeping yourself healthy.

One of the most important things you should clean in your room or house/apartment is your fridge. No one wants to come back to a fridge full of moldy food or have to smell it. Your roommate(s) will not be impressed. Even if you will be here over break it wont hurt to clean out. Also, if you are going home, do not forget to unplug your mini fridge (if you have one) and your other electronics! If you are not going to be here what is the point of leaving stuff plugged in and taking up all that electricity. Lets be real, electricity is expensive so why not save a couple bucks? Your wallet and your roommates will thank you.

On top of this, remember to keep yourself healthy. You have heard it all before: get enough sleep, drink plenty of water, eat breakfast and other meals, take breaks, blah blah blah. It’s all easier said than done but even doing two of these things will help you. Especially the sleep thing, because next thing you know you are tearing up because you spilt your Redbull during an all-nighter, and your friend is staring at you like your crazy. And yes that actually happened to me, but let’s move on. Time management is key! Be sure to set aside time to study for each of your exams and make sure you actually use that time study. I promise you don’t want be the girl who almost cried over spilt Redbull. Also, be sure to schedule breaks for yourself. If you spend all night studying you are actually retaining less information than you would by breaking it up. Trust me, nobody wants to be sick for the holidays.


Another thing to do before you leave or your friends leave is say goodbye to everyone in Winona, even if you’re swamped with studying during finals week. Your friends here have probably become your second family. They are the people you’ve seen pretty much everyday the entire semester, and now you are not going to see them for a whole month. While a month without school seems like no time, a month without your friends seems like an eternity. Try studying together so you can hangout and be productive at the same time. If you get distracted too easily by that, take study breaks together. Get your group together and go to dinner or have a movie night. Take one last hike or drive up to Garvin. It’s getting really cold outside but the view is worth the trip! I’m not saying you should completely avoid your schoolwork, but taking your mind off of it for a little bit never hurt anyone. After all, these are the kinds of things you will remember from college, not the topic of your seven-page research paper you just pulled an all-nighter to complete.

Any who, get back to your homework, cleaning, hanging out with your friends, or studying – whatever you are doing; but be sure to keep your best interests in mind heading into winter break!