Older Posts

Resilient Warriors: Take Out Your Garbage
There will always be toxic people that may come into your life at some point whether they be a friend, roommate, boyfriend, etc. and learning how to deal with that is important when becoming more resilient. When someone is toxic in your life, that means they bring you...

Breaking Out Of The Mid Semester Funk
It’s that time in the middle of the semester where you might be feeling bogged down with school and life. If so, know that you are not the only one feeling this way. It is very normal for students to lose motivation and energy during this time! The reasons for our...

Resilient Warriors: Look Out Your Windshield
This year’s university theme is resiliency and being resilient is all about being able to bounce back from situations and adapt when things get tough. This week’s video by psychologist Mick Lynch, Look Out Your Windshield, is all about focusing on what’s in front of...

Taking Your Health Into Your Own Hands
With all the illnesses and viruses during these long and cold winter months, it can seem impossible to stay healthy, especially if you live on campus or in close quarters with multiple roommates. Washing your hands should seem like second nature for us at this...

9 Ways to Stay Safe in Extremely Cold Weather
Every year we experience these below freezing temperatures and snow that goes up above our ankles, but each year I find myself surprised at how unprepared I am. Just this week I had to scramble to find my ice scraper to make sure I wasn't late to work. Even if you are...
The 6 Stages Of Being Done With Finals
You did it! Finals are over for some of us and whether you feel confident about how you did or not, the good news is its finally winter break and studying, projects, papers, exams, etc. are no longer a pressing issue. When finals are over, it’s time to relax and feel...

Resilient Warriors: Live Your Why
Why are you in college? Why do you work hard and make sacrifices every day? These are some questions that Mick Lynch asked us in his latest video, Live Your Why which talks all about our purpose or our “why” in life. https://youtu.be/53dnQQmr704 Have you ever stopped...

Resilient Warriors: Power Of Yet
I often hear myself saying “I’m not good at this” or “I don’t understand this” and that might be a common phrase for others as well that we hear around campus. In this video, Power of Yet by Mick Lynch, he talks all about the simple, but powerful word “yet.” He...

10 Meals for $10 or Less
The self-isolation feelings are kicking in, and you’re realizing we only have about 4 weeks left in the semester! The leftovers in your fridge will only last so long and after that, grocery shopping is a must. Nobody likes spending a ton of money on food...

Healthy Tips for A Happy Holiday
The holiday season is upon us! For many people, Thanksgiving kicks off this special time of year where we all go a little food crazy. Pie, stuffing, turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, hot dish, rolls, cranberry sauce, snickers salad, and… are you hungry yet? So am I! The...